Announcements in PowerPoint Developer Community

Share your PowerPoint creations!

we got a trailer sneak peek for ya. sorta kinda maybe.

Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em.

Casting Call Initiated. Audition link in article. (Image is in low quality cuz it's intentional)

my take on visual novel and horror and anime games.

about that FNF port on PPT.

October 1, 2021. Save The Date!
(view below)

Trophy reveal?! 1st Annual MadEvent!


We kept it as a secret for a long time. And now, we will now share it to you. We will now launch Madevent! For details, watch the video above.

DEVLOG #1 Thanks to @KieftZedrichPerez for helping with the game and creating the devlog. It was really fun showing you our progress! See you in the next devlog!

Village Voyage Development has been put on pause for a month. Sorry :(